Science Journals

Before founding Vectors & Quanta, Max Ng was engaged in scientific research. His research papers were published in authoritative journals Science and the Journal of Geophysical Research. The study on tsunami propagation was presented at the twenty-third Annual Congress of the Canadian Meteorological & Oceanography Society.

Selected Publications

Ng, M.K.F., P.H. LeBlond and T. Murty, 1990. Simulation of Tsunamis from Great Earthquakes on the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Science, Vol. 250, 1248.

Ng, M.K.F. and W.W. Hsieh, 1994. The equatorial Kelvin wave in finite-difference models. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 99 (C7): Pages 14,173-14,185.

Before founding Vectors & Quanta, Max Ng was engaged in scientific research. His research papers were published in authoritative journals Science and the Journal of Geophysical Research. The study on tsunami propagation was presented at the twenty-third Annual Congress of the Canadian Meteorological & Oceanography Society.

Selected Publications

Ng, M.K.F., P.H. LeBlond and T. Murty, 1990. Simulation of Tsunamis from Great Earthquakes on the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Science, Vol. 250, 1248.

Ng, M.K.F. and W.W. Hsieh, 1994. The equatorial Kelvin wave in finite-difference models. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 99 (C7): Pages 14,173-14,185.

Conference Presentations

“Tsunami Generation by a Megathrust Earthquake,” at the twenty-third Annual Congress of the Canadian Meteorological & Oceanography Society at Rimouski in Quebec (1989).

Conference Presentations

“Tsunami Generation by a Megathrust Earthquake,” at the twenty-third Annual Congress of the Canadian Meteorological & Oceanography Society at Rimouski in Quebec (1989).